Chongqing China Tobacco 3*12 tons low nitrogen transformation project


Chongqing China Tobacco 3*12 tons low nitrogen transformation project

Chongqing China Tobacco Industry Co. LTD Fuling Cigarette Factory

Chongqing China Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd. is the youngest in the entire Chinese tobacco industry. Its subsidiaries include three cigarette factories in Chongqing, Fuling and Qianjiang. It is mainly responsible for the production of two cigarette brands, Tianzi and Longfengchenxiang. In China’s 13th Five-Year Plan, Chongqing China Tobacco Factory created an industrial output value of 77.06 billion yuan and won the honorary title of China Civilized Company.

Chongqing China Tobacco 3*12 tons low nitrogen transformation project

EBICO’s technical team inspected the site of the case, and finally chose the EP-GE series burner with many successful cases to provide assistance for this project.The streamlined arc design can greatly reduce power consumption and working power, and can save customers up to 70% of starting power consumption, and can save 40% of starting power consumption per year on average. EBICO’s patented technology helps the emission value of nitrogen oxides meets the customer’s requirement of 50mg/m³ under any working conditions, and is generally better than the latest emission standards of Chongqing.

EBICO EP-GE series burner
