How should the combustion engine be adjusted?


How should the combustion engine be adjusted?
After using the burner for a period of time, the production capacity and efficiency of the equipment will be affected to varying degrees. If adjustments can be made at this time, it is recommended to make some adjustments. After all, purchasing a new combustion engine will cost a lot. So, how should we proceed with the adjustment? Today we will talk about it together.
Combustion adjustment should not only be based on theory, but also guided by practical experience:
① The flame detection monitoring window serves as one of the main monitor screens. Maintain a stable combustion system inside the furnace, with a bright golden flame that is not skewed or attached to walls, and has a good flame development and fullness.
② The inlet air preheater is used to maintain the oxygen content within the range of 4% to 6%, and when the flame appears dark or even black smoke chimney, the auxiliary boiler should adjust the air damper, organize the air distribution reasonably, maintain the air volume, and adapt the powder amount to maintain good furnace combustion.
③ The coal level in the coal bunker should be regularly monitored to prevent the coal mill from cutting off due to the burning out of the raw coal bunker. It is strictly prohibited to start and stop the boiler ash blowing and powder making system when the boiler combustion is unstable.
⑤ Flame should be observed, and attention should be paid to furnace leakage. Fire holes can be seen, and coking holes are tightly closed.
⑥ Operations management personnel should timely understand and master the characteristics of incoming coal, and be aware of changes in coal quality, so as to organize combustion in a reasonable structure.
⑦ Regular observation and analysis of boiler fly ash and bottom ash, timely adjustment of combustion to maintain the economic operation of the boiler.
In the direct blowing coal powder system, the safe operating environment load of the boiler is directly related to the output of the coal mill, which makes the entire coal powder system design of the enterprise often unable to operate under economic research conditions. Due to the fact that the output of the pulverization system is equal to the amount of coal burned into the furnace, changes in the ventilation capacity of the system affect the ratio of primary and secondary air, thereby affecting the stability of boiler operation and combustion conditions inside the furnace.
The air volume and coal quantity of the pulverization system are related to the operating load of the boiler, and the gas concentration in the powder system changes frequently. Based on these characteristics, various factors are considered to make effective combustion adjustments to ensure the safety, stability, and economic operation of passengers.
