How to correctly select a burner that is suitable for one’s own equipment


How to correctly select a burner that is suitable for one’s own equipment
Nowadays, the demand for environmental protection in China is increasing, and the types of burners used are gradually increasing. When choosing a burner, we need to choose one that matches our own equipment. This not only allows us to fully utilize the burner’s capabilities, but also maintains the normal operation of our own equipment. Therefore, it is very important to choose a burner that is suitable for our own equipment correctly. Today, let’s talk about how to choose the right burner for ourselves.
The selection of burners is a complex technical issue, and customers can choose according to their own situation. Firstly, they can determine the type of fuel they are using and choose the burner based on their chosen fuel. For example, if diesel fuel is chosen, then a fuel burner is chosen; If the fuel is gas, then choose a gas burner.
Secondly, we can choose temperature and pressure (furnace pressure) based on the furnace. When setting up a burner, remember to explain to the manufacturer the type of equipment, the temperature inside the furnace, whether the furnace is under positive or negative pressure, and whether the pressure is high or low. Due to differences in furnace temperature, the structure of the burner is also different, and the materials used are also different; The pressure overcome of the burner selected for positive furnace pressure is relatively high, while the pressure overcome of the burner selected for negative furnace pressure is relatively low.
Another requirement is the level of automation that users have: after selecting fuel, they should choose a nozzle or automatic burner based on their own economic capacity and equipment requirements. The selection of nozzles is usually cost-effective, but it is difficult to ensure safety; Automatic selection of burners is relatively expensive, but it does not require the configuration of one’s own fan and control system. The operation is simple and convenient, and the temperature inside the furnace is controlled with high precision, ensuring safety.
