How to prevent gas leakage from boiler burners?


How to prevent gas leakage from boiler burners?
How to prevent gas leakage from boiler burners? There are many enterprises that use boiler burners, especially those that have undergone transformation and upgrading under the guidance of national policies in recent years, resulting in many enterprises using lower emission boiler burners. However, we need to face a problem here, which is how to prevent gas leakage during the use of boiler burners? Today, let’s talk about this topic together.
The gas leakage caused by the use of boiler burners mainly manifests in two aspects: 1. Gas leaks into the furnace through the end face of the solenoid valve core; 2. Gas leaks into the environment through pipelines. What impact will a gas leak have? Simply put, it can first cause poisoning of operators and may also lead to explosion accidents. So we need to not take chances, we must take it seriously.
Leakage inside the furnace may cause an explosion. There are three ways to solve the problem of furnace leakage: using a pipeline leakage detection device to check the gas pipeline before ignition, and if the gas leakage reaches a certain amount, lock the combustion engine to work; Strengthen the pre blowing time and blowing volume, blow off or dilute the gas inside the furnace; The gas pipeline adopts a series structure of two solenoid valves to improve system reliability.
In response to environmental leaks, we need to require that smoking and fireworks are prohibited at the work site, electrical components are explosion-proof to ensure pipeline sealing; Regularly check the pipeline for leaks, and if there are any leaks, they must be eliminated before continuing to use; To avoid gas concentrations that can cause poisoning and explosions, it is required that the work site has good ventilation, equipped with ventilation holes and forced ventilation devices.
It can be seen that the correct use of gas is essential for both our personal safety and for businesses. This is particularly important in our company’s production, so it requires our company and operators to strictly follow the product operation manual or user instructions for strict operation. If there is anything we do not understand, we should seek advice from the boiler burner manufacturer in a timely manner and avoid reckless operation that may cause losses.
