How to troubleshoot a combustion engine malfunction?


How to troubleshoot a combustion engine malfunction?
When we use a combustion engine, regardless of the type, various problems may occur to some extent. If we are not familiar with the equipment at this time, we will often trouble technical personnel to come and repair, which not only delays time but also affects our production. Today, the editor will tell you how to troubleshoot when a combustion engine malfunctions and reduce our impact time.
Under normal conditions of ignition failure, if the burner is started three times continuously and no combustion is ignited, it should be judged as an ignition failure and corresponding inspections need to be carried out to eliminate the fault. (During ignition, the fan runs normally and the program is correct)
● Igniting fault – Under normal conditions, if the burner is started three times continuously and no combustion is ignited, it should be judged as an ignition fault and corresponding inspections need to be carried out to eliminate the fault. (During ignition, the fan runs normally and the program is correct)
1. Gas source failure check whether the pressure of natural gas is maintained normally at 3-5 kPa. If it is too high or too low, it will cause ignition failure. Processing method; Adjust the natural gas pressure regulating valve and set the pressure.
2. Check the size of the air damper for faults. When the air damper is too large, it is easy to have multiple instances of ignition failure. What are the solutions; Reduce the air damper appropriately, but do not completely close it.
When the ignition electrode or ignition transformer fails to ignite, or when the ignition electrode is too dirty and in the wrong position, ignition faults will occur. Processing method; Test whether the ignition transformer ignites, clean the ignition electrodes, and adjust the ignition gap to maintain 2-3mm.
When the gas valve group malfunctions and ignites normally, the valve group will open in a timely manner and the sound of opening can be heard. If it cannot be opened, no flame will be established. The handling method is as follows:; Check the coil of the valve group and adjust the opening degree of the valve.
5 ignition controller malfunction. All ignition programs are initiated by the controller, but the controller is damaged and cannot ignite normally. Processing method; Replace the controller.
Shutdown fault – When the burner is running normally and suddenly extinguishes the fire, it is a shutdown fault.
1. After the unstable gas source causes flame fluctuations, extinguish the fire and take appropriate measures; Adjust the pressure and restart.
When the flame detector malfunctions and runs, the flame detection probe is grounded, or when it is too dirty, it cannot detect normal flames, resulting in stalling. Processing method; Adjust the position of the probe and clean the surface of the probe. Restart.
The power supply is unstable or out of phase due to circuit malfunction, resulting in stalling during the process. Processing method; Contact an electrician to check the power supply and wiring.
Burner does not start due to malfunction. Press the start button for a long time and the burner does not start
1. External interlocking fault: The external temperature or pressure control has not reached the lower limit of startup; Check the temperature or pressure settings.
When the internal interlocking of the burner fails to pass the high or low air pressure, when the air pressure switch is normally closed but not closed, and when the air door mechanism is not in place, it will all appear. Gradually check.
The malfunction of the 3 programmable controllers has not been reset, please reset them again.
4. Fan motor overheat protection, reset the thermal relay.
5. Check if the start button of the control cabinet is working properly.
6. Circuit malfunction: Check if the starting signal is normal and if the voltage fuse is normal.
In summary, the troubleshooting methods for the combustion engine during use will basically eliminate the faults of the combustion engine and then carry out targeted maintenance; If it cannot be ruled out, it is necessary to promptly contact technical personnel for product maintenance, which can minimize our impact and enable our own personnel to have a better understanding of the product process.
