Precautions to be Taken when Using an Asphalt Mixing Station Safely


Precautions to be Taken when Using an Asphalt Mixing Station Safely

In the process of operation and use of an asphalt mixing station, attention must be paid to safety. The following safety precautions are imperative to not ignore.

I. Crew Clothing

The personnel working at an asphalt mixing station must wear work clothes and safety helmets according to requirements. During the process of operating the asphalt mixer station, no slippers should be worn.

II. Transfer of materials during the mixing operation

Before starting the machinery in the asphalt mixer station, the operator in the control room must sound the horn to warn the personnel around them. After hearing the horn sound, the workers in the dangerous area should immediately leave their positions, and the operator in the control room can start the machinery only after confirming that the person outside is in a safe condition.

During the production and loading process, the vehicle position must be seen clearly to effectively ensure safety. No one can work on the equipment without authorization, and maintenance of the equipment must be done only under the authorization of the operator in the control room.

In summary, an asphalt mixing station must pay attention to the above-mentioned relevant precautions in order to ensure safety.
