The difference in the structure of the three major chain grate furnaces


The difference in the structure of the three major chain grate furnaces

There are three main types of chain grate: chain belt grate, scale grate, and crossbeam grate. Their differences are as follows:

1. Chain type grate: The shape of its grate pieces seems to be connected, and the entire grate itself is connected by these “links” to form a wide circular chain belt. The chain belt is surrounded and supported on the front and rear axles by sprockets;

2. Scaled grate: The loading and unloading of the grate is convenient, and it can automatically clean the ash. The gap between the grate is fixed, and the ventilation is uniform. The ventilation section is relatively small (6%), and the grate under high temperature is not subjected to force. The chain under tension is not subjected to high temperature, improving the working conditions of the grate.

3. Cross beam grate: supported and connected in series by a more rigid cross beam as grate pieces. The crossbeam grate is very convenient to replace the grate pieces during operation, and the grate surface is also relatively flat, which is extremely durable. The width and length of this grate can be made very large.
