What are the current development prospects of natural gas burners in China


What are the current development prospects of natural gas burners in China
Natural gas burners are one of the types of gas burners that can be developed and designed based on the physicochemical and combustion characteristics of different combustible gases, making them highly targeted and adaptable. Today, let’s talk about the current development prospects of natural gas burners in China!
Natural gas, as a fuel for burners, is mainly due to its high content of various nitrogen and hydrogen compounds up to 90%, making it a high-quality fuel with high calorific value. Below, we will provide a specific introduction to natural gas burners.
The main component of natural gas is methane (CH4), with a content of up to 80%~98% by volume. In addition, there are also small amounts of heavy hydrocarbons (CnH2n2) such as ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8) (with a content of 0.1%~7.5%), and hydrogen sulfide (within 1%), while other non combustible gases such as ammonia (0-5%) and carbon dioxide (within 1%) are rare.
Natural gas is a colorless gas with a slight odor of decay. Its density is 0.73-0. 80 kg/cubic meter, lighter than air, easy to ignite and burn. The required air volume for combustion is large, ranging from 9 to 14m3/m3. Because methane and other hydrocarbons can separate carbon particles during combustion, the flame is bright and the radiation energy is strong.
The composition of natural gas varies greatly depending on its origin. The content of nitrogen and carbon dioxide can reach up to 15%, so the calorific value of natural gas also varies greatly, from 40 kJ (per cubic meter) to 33 kJ (per cubic meter). Those with high H2S content are called sour, while those without sulfur are called sweet. Only those with high H2S content can be purified and used. Some natural gas producing areas contain a large amount of water, mineral impurities, and oil, which must be separated and purified before being transported from storage tanks to user devices.
Natural gas burners are widely used in China, mainly due to the abundant natural gas resources in Sichuan. Natural gas is a cheap fuel because of its low cost. In addition to being used as industrial fuel, natural gas is also a valuable raw material for the chemical industry (fertilizers, plastics, synthetic rubber, dyes, pharmaceuticals, artificial petroleum, etc.), Natural gas can also be used as urban gas after regulation.
