What are the fault detection methods for burner systems?


What are the fault detection methods for burner systems?
In our daily use of combustion engines, various system failures may occur due to incorrect usage methods or wear and tear of machine parts. Today, the editor will explain to you the problems that occur during the use of the burner, such as the malfunction of the burner’s non operating system, ignition device system, and engine shutdown system, as well as the solutions to these problems.
1、 Burner not running system malfunction. Press the operation switch button for a long time. The combustion engine does not run
1. External interlocking system malfunction, external temperature or working pressure control cannot reach the lower limit of operation; Routine inspection of temperature or working pressure preset values.
2. When the internal structure of the burner is not connected and the standard air pressure is too high or too low, and the air pressure switch is normally closed but cannot be found to be closed, it will be displayed when the air inlet mechanism is in place, and routine inspections will be gradually taken.
2、 Engine shutdown system malfunction: When the combustion engine is running normally and burning, it suddenly extinguishes, which is a malfunction of the engine shutdown system.
1. The fluctuation of the gas source caused the flames to float and then be extinguished.
Solution: Adjust the working pressure and restart.
2. When the flame detector system malfunctions and operates, the grounding device of the flame detection probe may not detect all normal flames when it is very dirty, indicating that the engine has stopped.
Solution: Adjust the specific position of the probe and clean the surface of the probe. Restart.
3. Power circuit system malfunction, switch power supply fluctuating high and low or missing phase, resulting in engine shutdown during the process.
Solution: Contact the welder for routine inspection of the switch power supply and wiring methods.
3、 Igniter system malfunction
Under normal conditions, if the combustion engine is operated continuously for three times and no ignition or incineration is found, it should be judged as a malfunction of the ignition device system. Corresponding routine inspections must be carried out to detect the malfunction.
1. Routine inspection of gas source system failure: Can the working pressure of natural gas be maintained normally at 3-5 kPa? If it is too high or too low, it will display a problem of ignition failure.
Solution: Adjust the natural gas pressure regulating valve and adopt working pressure adjustment.
2. Routine inspection of air intake system malfunction. When the air intake is slightly larger, it is very easy to display frequent ignition device failure,
Solution: Moderately reduce the air intake, but do not completely shut it off.
3. When there is a malfunction in the metal electrode or ignition transformer system of the ignition device, or when the ignition transformer does not ignite, or when the metal electrode of the ignition device is very dirty and the specific position is incorrect, the ignition device system malfunction will be displayed.
Solution: Test whether the ignition transformer can ignite the device, clean the metal electrodes of the ignition device, and adjust the distance between the ignition devices to maintain 2-3 millimeters.
4. When the gas valve group system malfunctions and everything is normal, the valve group will open in a timely manner and the sound of opening can be heard. If it cannot be opened, no flames will be created.
Solution: Regularly check the coil of the valve group and adjust the opening degree of the valve.
5. The ignition controller system is malfunctioning. All ignition device applications are transmitted from the intelligent controller, which is damaged and unable to function properly.
Solution: Replace the intelligent controller.
