What are the low nitrogen combustion technologies?


What are the low nitrogen combustion technologies?
In recent years, low nitrogen combustion engines have become the darling of the combustion engine industry, especially in response to the increasingly strict environmental requirements of the country in recent years. A series of reforms have been carried out for enterprises with high pollutant emissions such as boilers in different provinces and cities. Although many companies have heard of many low nitrogen combustion engines, they are not very familiar with low nitrogen combustion technology. Today, let’s talk about what low nitrogen combustion technologies are available?
Circulating nitrogen reduction technology within the combustion port: All combustion air is forced to swirl through a cyclone before being sent into the primary combustion zone for mixing and combustion. The smoke around the secondary gas is forcibly introduced into the secondary combustion zone for combustion. Due to the fact that all the combustion air needs to pass through the primary combustion zone, the oxygen content and temperature in the secondary combustion zone will decrease, and the combustion rate of the secondary fuel will be greatly delayed, effectively suppressing the generation of NOx and achieving low nitrogen combustion.
Flue gas recirculation combustion technology: Flue gas recirculation technology is a technology that reduces nitrogen oxides by reintroducing some boiler exhaust into the furnace and mixing it with natural gas and air for combustion. By using flue gas recirculation technology, the combustion temperature in the core area of the boiler is reduced, and the excess air coefficient remains unchanged. Without reducing the efficiency of the boiler, the generation of nitrogen oxides is suppressed, achieving the goal of reducing nitrogen oxide emissions.
10% -25% of the boiler exhaust gas is returned to the front end of the boiler through the FGR smoke pipe from the main exhaust pipe, and the smoke volume is adjusted through the regulating damper on the FGR smoke pipe; After passing through the fresh air filter, the combustion air enters the variable frequency fan and is pressurized by the fan before reaching the front end of the boiler; The fuel gas passes through the double shut-off valve group and servo regulating valve before reaching the front end of the boiler; The boiler exhaust and combustion air are mixed through a mixer and sprayed with fuel gas through specially designed nozzles, forming a stable flame in the boiler.
Diffusion combustion technology: This is the simplest combustion method, which has the advantages of simplicity, easy ignition, no backfire, stable combustion, and simple combustion device structure. The disadvantage is that for high calorific value gas with a large demand for air, complete combustion cannot be achieved through laminar diffusion, and the CO content in the flue gas is relatively high, resulting in a relatively small volume of combustion equipment. The forced air diffusion combustion method is commonly used for industrial burners in industrial furnaces.
Low nitrogen combustion technology is currently widely used in combustion equipment. Correspondingly, we should have a certain understanding of low nitrogen combustion technology, at least after you understand the operating principles and application technologies in combustion equipment, you will be better able to operate it.
