What environment is required for the operation of natural gas burners?


What environment is required for the operation of natural gas burners?
This year, another batch of provinces and cities will carry out burner renovation and upgrading. I believe many enterprises will also have certain doubts about the renovation standards of their own boilers. What requirements do their own boilers need to meet for operation? What environment is required for the operation of natural gas burners? Today, let’s learn together with the editor.
Burner is a device that sprays fuel and air in a certain way to mix and burn. Classified by type and application field, there are several types of burners: industrial burners, combustion engines, civilian burners, and special burners. It is made of corrosion-resistant and high-temperature resistant materials such as stainless steel or titanium metal.
The function of the burner is to atomize the sample through flame combustion. The atomized test solution enters the burner and undergoes processes such as drying, melting, evaporation, and dissociation under the influence of flame temperature and flame atmosphere, producing a large number of ground state atoms, as well as some excited state atoms, ions, and molecules.
The noise emitted by different burners during operation varies greatly. The operation of an injection type burner produces significant noise. Even with well-designed burners, the high-frequency noise at a distance of 2 meters from the burner remains above 70 decibels, with some exceeding 85 decibels. The noise of a diffusion burner is relatively low, especially when the gas pressure is relatively low. Its operating noise is not harmful to people, but it still requires us to have a corresponding spatial distance to block it.
What environment is required for the operation of natural gas burners? We need to roughly understand the different categories of burners and match them with our own boilers for certain adjustments.
