What is a low nitrogen fully premixed surface combustion engine?


What is a low nitrogen fully premixed surface combustion engine?
With the intervention of national policies and the improvement of air quality, in recent years, many places have responded to the national call to improve nitrogen oxide emissions, including combustion engines. Low nitrogen combustion engines are combustion equipment that has developed in response to the times and can fully meet the national requirements for emissions. Many companies have also developed new types of combustion engines, such as low nitrogen fully premixed surface combustion engines. So what is it? Today, let’s learn about it together.
The fully premixed surface combustion machine uses seamless weaving technology to weave metal wire mesh from special alloys. Gas and air are precisely mixed to produce short cluster flames on the metal fiber mesh, which burn evenly and are difficult to form local high temperature zones. It effectively suppresses the generation of thermal NOx, achieves silent combustion, ultra-low emissions, and nitrogen oxide emissions below 30mg/m.
The low nitrogen fully premixed surface combustion machine adopts a programmable controller, independent fuel, user-friendly interface, and precise fuel air ratio control, ensuring the safety and reliability of the fully premixed burner. Seamless weaving technology uses metal wire mesh woven from high-temperature resistant special alloy wire, wrapped around the surface of a metal cylinder, and burns to form short cluster flames, with a long service life.
The low nitrogen fully premixed surface combustion engine mixes the gas and air evenly in advance, forming a blue flame on the surface of the combustion cylinder, ensuring complete combustion and silent operation. Adopting surface fully premixed combustion technology, the combustion speed is fast, the flame is very short, and the residence time of combustion products is very short, which shortens the opportunity for thermal NOx generation and reduces nitrogen oxide emissions.
In recent years, in response to the national reduction of nitrogen oxides, many boiler combustion engine manufacturers have started using low nitrogen fully premixed surface combustion engines, which has to some extent promoted the development of low nitrogen fully premixed surface combustion engines.
