What is the hourly gas consumption of a 300000 kcal gas burner?


What is the hourly gas consumption of a 300000 kcal gas burner?
Q: How much natural gas does the 283800 kcal gas burner burn per hour?
Answer: Natural gas ranging from 28.38 cubic meters to 33.9 cubic meters.
Q: Can a 0.3 ton boiler use a two-stage gas burner? Why does it emit a lot of black smoke when burning a large flame?
Answer: It’s caused by incomplete combustion. You can change it to a low flame and take a look.
Q: How much steam does a 0.3 ton boiler produce in one hour with a 300000 kcal burner?
Answer: The 0.3 ton boiler refers to a boiler with a rated evaporation capacity of 0.3 tons. Since it is a boiler with a rated evaporation capacity of 0.3 tons, it produces 0.3 tons of steam per hour.
Firstly, a 0.3 ton stove is not equivalent to 300000 kcal, 1 ton is equivalent to 600000 kcal, and most importantly, it is equivalent to a 200000 kcal stove. The burner should be selected appropriately and not too large. 0.3 tons is your hourly gas production.
Q: How long does it take to heat one ton of water with a burner of 300000 kcal
Answer: It looks like two hours
I want to calculate: how long does it take to heat one ton of water with a burner of 300000 kcal, and what is the initial temperature of the water that should be provided? What is the target temperature for water? Only in this way can we know how long it takes to heat one ton of water with a burner of 300000 kcal.
Question: How much methanol does a 300000 kcal methanol burner burn in one hour
Answer: How much alcohol based combustion does a 100000 kcal burner burn per hour?
Divide 100000 by the card value of your alcohol based fuel to obtain the KG/H (kilograms/hour) that should be output, and then divide by the boiler’s heat efficiency ratio to obtain the fuel injection quantity that should be output. Adjust the nozzle or pressure according to the fuel injection amount set by the burner. For example, if your fuel card value is 10000 kcal and the output power of the furnace is 85%, then you should output 110000/10000/0.85=11.76 kilograms of fuel. At this point, adjust the model of the burner nozzle and adjust the output pressure of the oil pump to achieve a fuel injection rate of 11.76 kilograms per hour. If it is an oil gas mixed burner, it is necessary to adjust the output pressure and air pressure.
