What is the reason why the gas burner fan does not start?


What is the reason why the gas burner fan does not start?
In the process of using gas combustion engines, various types of malfunctions will occur regardless of the length of time or size. Today, let’s talk about the reason why the fan of a gas burner does not start during use?
In fact, there are three main reasons why gas combustion engines cannot start: 1. The ignition point of the igniter oxidizes and cannot ignite well; 2. There is an issue with the air circuit, whether it is too large or too small, it is not feasible; 3. The igniter is not functioning properly and cannot ignite. As long as we conduct targeted testing based on the above three points, we believe that the problem can be solved quickly. If it is difficult due to some technical issues, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer’s after-sales service for repair.
In addition, when the burner cannot be started, it is necessary to check if there is a red light on the burner. If there is, press the red light to reset the product. If there is no way to reset, it is highly likely that the controller has malfunctioned or the combustion engine has detected the self-protection function of flame generation during operation.
If the gas burner does not have a red light, it is necessary to check whether the power supply of the burner is connected, whether the gas is normal, and whether the gas pressure meets the requirements. When encountering unsolvable faults, please contact the combustion engine manufacturer as soon as possible for professional guidance and maintenance.
That’s why we often advocate regular maintenance and upkeep during the use of gas combustion engines, which can reduce the probability of failures and extend the product’s service life, creating more profits and benefits for us.
