What is the workflow of a burner?


What is the workflow of a burner?
There are many types of burners currently circulating in the market, and their operating forms are also different. However, overall, the principles and applications are still similar. Today, let’s take a look at the workflow of burners together.
Firstly, the operator needs to ignite the mother flame through an incinerator to confirm if it can be ignited; After the fire is ignited and stabilized, press the ignition button on the incineration control panel to activate the mother flame; After normal operation, check whether the gas supply pressure of the main pipeline is at the normal scale.
Secondly, the fan is started and during the pre blowing period, check if the equipment is in normal condition. At this time, investigate the gas and air pressure indicators and provide instructions for the operation of the incinerator.
Once again, press the incineration control button on the incineration control panel, and at this point, the incineration controller enters the incineration start sequence; At this point, the burning mission of the mother fire has been completed, and the operator should promptly close the mother fire button on the panel, block the mother fire, and keep the fire burning.
During the high fire incineration process, the operator can adjust the size of the flame according to the process requirements at any time; Adjust the operating handles of the gas valve and air valve, which can be adjusted during the process, to determine that the load output of the incinerator meets the process requirements.
