What should I do if there is a malfunction in the ignition of a natural gas burner?


What should I do if there is a malfunction in the ignition of a natural gas burner?
What should I do if a natural gas burner malfunctions during use? If the natural gas burner fails to ignite after being started three times during normal use, it can be judged as an ignition fault and corresponding troubleshooting is needed. Today, let’s talk about what to do if the ignition of the natural gas burner fails?
1. When the gas valve group fails and ignites normally, the valve group will open in a timely manner and the opening sound can be heard. If it cannot be opened, no flame will be established. Solution: Check the valve group coil and adjust the valve opening degree.
2. The ignition controller of the natural gas combustion engine has malfunctioned. All ignition programs are issued by the controller, but the controller is damaged and cannot ignite normally. Solution: Replace the controller.
3. Natural gas burner gas source malfunction. Check if the pressure of natural gas is maintained at 3-5 kPa normally. If it is too high or too low, it may cause ignition failure. Solution: Adjust the natural gas pressure regulating valve and set the pressure.
4. When the ignition electrode or ignition transformer of a natural gas combustion engine malfunctions and the ignition transformer does not ignite, or when the ignition electrode is too dirty and the position is incorrect, ignition failure will occur. Solution: Test whether the ignition transformer ignites, clean the ignition electrode, and adjust the ignition gap to maintain 2-3mm.
5. Faulty air door. Check the size of the air door. When the air door is too large, it is prone to multiple ignition failures. The solution is to reduce the air flow appropriately, but not completely close it.
Don’t worry or rush when there is a malfunction. Simply solve the problem. The editor has listed some of the main ignition faults of gas combustion engines. As long as you investigate them one by one, technical issues can be involved. Please contact after-sales service for repair in a timely manner.
